참가자 - Project Participants

Writer | Translators | Promoters | Designers
작가 | 통역 | 발기인 | 디자이너


Writer - 작가

This letter was written in English on behalf of all Super Junior global ELFs. The author is the founder of SuJu-Global-ELFs.com, an in-progress site that aims to compile all aspects of ELF interests and needs. The website is open to all ELFs with not discrimination both to visit and to help in its construction and formation. This is a large-scale group effort form different countries around the world.

Translators - 통역

This project owes its success to the amazing group of ELFs who worked wholeheartedly together in order to deliver this message: Super Junior is truly international. Those ELFs also worked on behalf of all the other ELFs speaking their language, making the whole project once again, truly universal. Below is the list of those wonderful translator-ELFs by the language they translated the English letter into (the languages are listed alphabetically)  


  Maria - Lise


Nada J.Bnjr    Nofeta 이동진 Gova


Binnie Alexieva




Kpop Croatia 

>>Czech language
Hana Benešová & QsAngie


Louise Marie


Shiman     Shaaha      Maryam
应佳君 -Aylee



Cesca Sia     Giesille Go


Gabby Ines
Samira Adeline
Linda Lee

Maria White

Tzlil ~ this sweet ELF does not have a twitter account.

Ishwarya purnima phanjoubam
Petrik Blanka    Rozi Bartok          Krisz
Erica Monalisa    Anindita Saraswati athirah
AzarathianGem Lucia Angelino Angela Mitri




Nonie Lourembam




Lumy          WeLoveHanChul



>>Swahili (505a)
This sweet & supportive (Somalian) ELF...
unfortunately has no twitter account :3

Vanessa Paola Alexandra

Jennifer J

Lakshmi chem


Vildan            SCMrv


In addition to the great people above, we’ll also not forget all those who helped greatly in 1) spreading this project before it was announced 2) helping us look for ELFs with different languages on twitter 3) wanting to help in any way possible 4) offering their genuine and sincere support… Thank you all :D ~ click on their icons to visit their twitter page :)


Designers - 디자이너 

The Current Header designer :D is lovely Binnie Alexieva
The rest of the blog and the pictures are designed by 's admin  

Other ELF Headers designs submitted for this projected :D~


2) By 

3) by