This small and humble project started on Tuesday, the 26th of Oct. And with the help of many amazing ELFs, we were able to translate a short two paragraph English letter for SJ into 40 languages. We aim to show Super Junior and the world, that ELFs are truly diverse and that this is a real indication on Super Junior’s international success.
There are many lessons to derive from this project, as much as its owners would like to keep it simple.
- ELFs are strong in their unity: this project would not have been possible, even in the founder’s wildest imagination, has it not been for all those participants.
- Super Junior boys are Amazing: having all those people from all those different places unite together, means that there must be a great and unique force uniting them. Indeed, Super Junior are an amazing great uniting force, that broke through state boarders, skin colors, religions, and languages, and united people who never dreamt of meeting each other, under on cause: loving them.
- When you set your mind on something you can achieve it: the idea behind this project might seem great to some and trivial to others, but one opinion will not change “ELFs, like Super Junior, are united.” Together we can make a difference :D, so please always remember: “our strength is in our unity.”
Thank you all,
Thank you ELFs,
Thank you Super Junior,
Super Junior Global ELFs Team